Business leaders, financial experts , captain of industries converged at a one day event “Mentorship with Uncle Kingsley” to empower start ups and existing business owners to sustain their businesses.

The event with a theme “Finding your Essense and Mentorship“ held in Lagos, brought entrepreneurs and youths from all walks of life with different backgrounds.
Addressing over 90 trainees, Kingsley-Obom Egbulem, an author and talent coach maintained that there is a need to fill the gap of assisting youths to spot their talents, groom, promote and empower them to become global leaders and brands .
“Our Target is to raise transformational youths and leaders who are purposeful, valuable and influence their generations”.
Also to empower them with life- skills to maximum their potentials, increase productive and add value to sanier society. “People are talents in various whether with hobbies, skills, professions, gifts to impact on others”.
Kingsley -Obom Egbulem observed that human beings have alot capacity, skills, talents and gifts imbeded in them but they trivialise them, sometimes most of us rely on our teachers or religous leaders to help us spot them out and tell us what do in life. He added that mentoring is not so popular in this climes, most people get their mentorship training and move on.
“Nobody wants to mentor any body, they dont have time,they are not ready or patient to teach others, however such persons succeeded because they was mentored”.We are here to fill in that gap through programme, training,radio programme and books.”
We brought resource persons who started their businesses from the scratch to mega businesses with practicals and challenges they surmounted,for the participants to learn from and network with.
We make mistakes in life businesses and relationships, it is better and cheaper to learn from peoples’ mistakes instead from our own,so learn from business peoples, follow the steps, they would guild you when you have challenges and if they can do it and be you can do it.
“Nobody is an Island, we need the services of others and people need our sevices too. In addition, he pointed out some of people who organise training or serminar do not practice what they are training people for”.
Another Entrepreneur and pharmacist Mr Chukwuemeka Obi advised participants to look out for problems they could solve in their job space, environment, community or services they can render but they should adher to pandemic Health guildlines.
He disclosed that over the years of doing business with various challenges ,but was able to get major break- through in 2020.
We startedour business from this environment and grow it into a multi- dollar business,with huge plights,but consistent and preservance ,we are willing to give entrepreneurs support and network with others.
Mr Daniel Akpata, financial expert and relationship coach enjoinedyouthtodiscoverytheirselfpurpose,stressingthatleadersaresocietybuilder,becausetheirpurposesareconnectedtosolvingproblemsinthenationorcommunity.
He urged Nigerians to carefully explore and develop their potentials to the fullest benefit for future generations.
Another speaker Mrs Olaide Ayodele, Chief Executive Officer, JD Recycling took to participants through her business challenges and achievement. She advised and encouraged them to pursue their vision and impact on others for a peaceful communities, cities and nation.
According to her, our company specialises on using recycling tyres for design, funitures lighting,decoration. Ayodele urged them to use the recycled materials to make healthy environment and a living.
She concluded that youths should be build strong relationships; they must learn to connect people , instrumental relationships through building great network, not only now and in future
Speaking to one of the participants,Dayo Unlimited, he disclosed that ,”he learns something new, mind-blowing and outstanding”. According to him, he is leaving the training with more knowledge,to keep relationship and be more empathic person.
Another and beneficiary female marketer told The Business 360 news that “I have benefited from the training better than I could imagine; because it has very informative, educative, exposing and unconventional. I have a mentor I could run to for advice and ideas”. She lauded Uncle Kingsley’s gesture for the kind gestures towards the Leadership empowerment.
The high point of the event was the practical section, questions and answers session, educational and inspirational talks, one -on -mentorship and networking. We appreciated other resources persons among others.